Sunday, March 20, 2011

Maui Concerts - Bruno Mars packs the house and steals the show

The Maui Arts and Cultural Center was packed to the gills last week with Bruno Mars fans and he didn't disappoint with his show!Fans squealed at a pitch so high many thought windows would shatter. It was unreal that 1500 teenage girls could reach a fevered pitch that high but earplugs were the ticket that night for sure!
Hawaii born Brumo Mars was a colorful act from the start, singing his favorite hits while cameras flashed and video cameras followed his every move on stage as they shot a video.

Ever the showman, with many moves reflecting that of one of Mars' idols, Michael Jackson, the music and choreography was fun to watch. Mars has a great rapport with his band and it shows in his performances.
Another fun night for everyone!
Until the next rockin' show!

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